Countdown To Springtime:

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57th Annual Springtime Tallahassee Festival – March 28-29, 2025

2025 Parade Application

General Parade Information & Requirements

(Please read carefully as information has changed from previous years)


  • The Grand Parade will be taking place on March 29, 2025 starting at 10:30 AM along Monroe Street.
  • Applications will be accepted for review until February 28, 2025 March 10, 2025. If space is available late applications will be considered with a $25.00 late fee. Please note: acceptance of an application is not acceptance into the Parade. Applications will be reviewed for acceptance and notification of acceptance will be given via email and notifications of non-acceptance will be given via email/phone.
  • Parade payment must be paid in full and included with this application.  Payment will be refunded in full if the application is not accepted. There will be a $25 NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) fee charged.
  • Cancellations are non-refundable within 30 days of the event.  A $25.00 administrative fee will be charged for cancellations regardless of cancellation date.  Refunds will be given within 30 days.
  • An email indicating acceptance in the Parade will be sent out in March.  Please read the information below regarding packets:
    • All TALLAHASSEE participants will be required to pick up their vendor packet from the Springtime Tallahassee Office, (114 East 5th Ave, Suite B, Tallahassee, FL 32303). Tentative pickup options include:
        • March 17-21, 2025 between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm
    • All others located outside of Tallahassee will receive their packets via USPS the week of March 17, 2025.
  • Payment may be made by check, money order, or credit card (Visa, Master Card and American Express accepted). Checks and money orders should be made payable to Springtime Tallahassee Festival, Inc. Credit Card payment will only be accepted via online application on our website (paying in full) or by selecting “Invoice” on the last page of the application. Once your application has been received by the office, you will be sent an invoice link for online payment to the email you provided. Payment must be made within 10 days of receiving invoice.
  • EVENT CANCELLATION POLICY: The festival is a community fundraising event run by a nonprofit organization. Booth fees go directly to advertising and operations for the event. The event will only be cancelled if the safety of the vendors and participants is deemed at risk due to inclement weather, acts of God, or any other circumstances deemed necessary by Springtime Tallahassee or government officials/entities.


General Parade Rules for All Entries

The following public safety regulations are set forth by the City of Tallahassee and the Tallahassee Police Department, and will be strictly enforced before, during and after the parade.


  • Throwing items from floats or vehicles is strictly prohibited. Only persons walking with the units may hand pre-approved items to the spectators.
  • Music and background sounds may not contain any sound which resembles a firearm, gun shot, cannon, or any other type of weapon, or startling sounds.
  • Absolutely no firearms (real or fake) may be carried by parade walkers, or be mounted/carried on a float.
  • Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited before and during the parade. Violations of this regulation may result in the parade entry being disqualified. 
  • Changes to entry information cannot be made after March 3, 2025.


Parade Rules for Floats and Motorized Vehicles

The following parade rules apply to all Floats and Motorized Vehicles

  • All drivers in motorized groups must provide a copy of their driver’s license.
  • Proof of insurance for all vehicles (Copy of Vehicle Insurance Policy Declaration Page) must list coverage for at least $300,000 liability.
  • In addition to the driver’s insurance, all floats must provide a copy of the individual, business, or sponsoring organization’s liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.
  • All entries must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance for the required coverage listing Springtime Tallahassee Festival, Inc. as additional insured.
  • A signed General Release of Claims must accompany the application to be considered.
  • Commentary must be provided with the application. A written description, not exceeding 40 words, of the parade entry with corresponding music and any facts to me mentions during the live commentary must be submitted.
  • All items to be passed out to spectators must be stated in this application and approved prior to the parade.
  • A description of the float and pictures or sketches must be provided with this application. Changes made prior to the parade must be submitted for approval. Floats and parade entries will be reviewed prior to the start of the parade in parade staging.
  • A float is defined as a flatbed trailer towed by a motor vehicle, such as an automobile, truck, or tractor. The float must be at least 8 feet wide and 10 feet long. The maximum height is 14.6 feet from the street level, maximum length is 90 feet and maximum width is 15 feet. These measurements include the vehicle.
  • Each motorized entry is limited to 9 vehicles- 3 abreast or 6 vehicles- 2 abreast (exceptions for motorcycle entries may be granted.)
  • Each entry must be fully decorated with float materials. The 57th Year Theme, suggested decorating idea and resources are listed below.
  • Undecorated vehicles will NOT be allowed to participate in the parade.
  • Decorations shall cover all sides of the parade entry, including exposed flatbed parts.
  • A vehicle bearing the name of a business will not qualify as a parade entry unless the vehicle is fully decorated.
  • Tractors, trucks and other tow vehicles must be decorated, clean, attractive and reasonably quiet.
  • Floats should bear the name of the Krewe, Business, School or other Sponsoring Organization on both sides of the apron, in letters clearly visible from 10 feet away.
  • Float riders and walkers should serve a useful function to the overall theme and be dressed accordingly.
  • Children walking with floats must be at least 12 years old.
  • Children must be at least 6 years of age with direct adult supervision in order to ride on a float. It is imperative that children age 6-11 remain seated and on the float at all times during the parade.
  • Floats must have proper safety equipment in working order to connect the float to the tow vehicle. Towing chains must be connected between the float and towing vehicle at all times. In addition, wheel chocks must be accessible and used in the event of any failure of the float or towing vehicle until the float and towing vehicle can be operated safely together again.
  • Parade participants may not distribute brochures, tracts, advertisements, or paper materials of any kind.
  • Parade entries may not use amplified sound systems to promote businesses.
  • No political advertisements are permitted in the parade.
  • Use of animals in the parade must be pre-approved. An animal cleanup crew must be in place before the parade begins, follow the animals on the parade route and wear appropriate costumes or uniforms.
  • Springtime Tallahassee will remove any entry in the parade that is deemed to be inappropriate, offensive or unsafe or fails to follow these rules.


Grand Parade Theme

“Dancing in the Street”

The Theme should be displayed on the front and rear aprons or in any other clearly visible areas.

In order to fully join in the celebration of 57 years of parading in Tallahassee, we suggest highlighting this year’s theme. Float decorating materials may consist of flowers, natural vegetation, tinsel, garland, fringe, float petal paper, or similar.


Parade Awards

Parade entries are eligible to receive the following awards:


CATEGORY:                                                          AWARD:           

  1. “Dancing in the Streets”                            Best in Parade
  2. President’s Award                                     Businesses
  3. General Chairman’s Award                     Festivals                                  
  4. Governor’s Award                                     Cities/Non-profit Organization
  5. Board of Director’s Award                       Marching Bands
  6. Belles & Gents’ Award                              Schools & Churches
  7. Judges’ Choice                                            Clubs or Miscellaneous

2025 Parade Application

2025 Parade Application

397.7 KiB
2025 Parade Application
Please mark all that apply.
9 Vehicles Maximum
Include food/candy. If not applicable, enter N/A

Parade Float/ Vehicle Driver Information (Must be submitted by March 1, 2025)

Vehicle (include float towing vehicle info)

Upload in JPG format a copy of the following documents:

1. Copy of driver’s license(s).
2. Copy of vehicle’s insurance policy Declaration Page (a minimum of $300,000 liability coverage must be displayed). A copy of the insurance card will not suffice.
3. Copy of businesses certificate of liability insurance (displaying $1,000,000 liability).
4. Copy of non-profit license (if applicable).
5. Photos or Rough Sketch of your entry.

If more than one vehicle, attach a separate sheet with a copy of the driver’s license and vehicle’s insurance policy Declaration Page for each driver.

Also include a copy of your commentary in either a Word or PDF format.

Maximum upload size: 268.44MB

General Release Of Claims & Hold Harmless Agreement

SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. does NOT provide liability insurance for the protection of persons, vendors, entertainers, merchants, organizations, spectators or others who participate in any SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. event.

In consideration of participating in a SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. event, I do hereby release and forever discharge SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC., its members, officers, employees, agents, servants, volunteers and sponsors from any and all actions, negligence, causes of actions, claims and demands, for any damage, illness, loss or injury of any kind, which hereafter may be sustained by me or my organization in connection with or relating to any SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. event.

This release extends to, applies to, covers and includes all known, unknown, disclosed, undisclosed, foreseen, unforeseen, anticipated, unanticipated, suspected and unsuspected injuries, illness, damages, losses and liabilities, and the consequences thereof, not-withstanding the provisions of any state, federal, local or territorial law or statute to the contrary, the provisions of which laws are hereby expressly waived.

It is further understood and agreed that my/my organization’s participation in any SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. event is not to be construed as an admission of liability or the assumption of any responsibility by SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC., its members, officers, employees, agents, servants, volunteers and/or sponsors for any act or omission by me or any member(s) of my organization.

I hereby agree on behalf of myself, my organization, its heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to indemnify SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. and its members, officers, employees, agents, servants, volunteers and sponsors, jointly and severally, and to hold them harmless from and against any and all actions, negligence, claims, demands and liabilities, loss damages and expense of whatever kind or nature, including attorney fees, which may arise from my organization’s participation in the SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. event.

SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC., The City of Tallahassee and The Tallahassee Police Department reserve the right to remove any misrepresented or inappropriate material or persons from any SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC. event, including but not limited to the Music Festival on Kleman Plaza, Jubilee in the Park, Grand Parade or any other event. Non-compliance with SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE INC.’S directive, rules and/or regulations will result in the forfeiture of my/my organization’s performance and immediate closure by SPRINGTIME TALLAHASSEE, INC.

I hereby grant permission to Springtime Tallahassee, Inc. representatives, to take and use: photographs and/or digital images of me for use in news releases and/or promotional materials. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, Web sites or other electronic communications. I further agree that my name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s). I authorize the use of these images without compensation to me. All negatives, prints, digital reproductions shall be the property of Springtime Tallahassee, Inc.